Wage Settlement Survey Questionnaire 2023

This Questionnaire forms the basis for our Wage Settlement Survey Quarterly Reports and we look forward to receiving your input once you have finalised your wage negotiations this year. If you cannot complete the full Questionnaire, your percentage increase, minimum wage, going in positions and general information would be appreciated, as would a copy of the union demands and signed settlement.

We thank you in advance for your valued input which will enable us to provide a more comprehensive report. Please rest assured that all information is treated in the strictest confidence. At no stage will the identity of your company be disclosed to any third party, appear in our results, or be quoted in any manner.

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Selected Value: 0
% or across-the-board increase R
Did you backdate the agreement?
Did you implement only on reaching agreement?
What was your view of the negotiation climate? Please tick the relevant boxes:
Did any form of industrial action occur during wage negotiations?
What type of industrial action occurred?
Did you have any tactical responses? Please tick where applicable:
Selected Value: 0
Was a dispute declared?
If yes, by which party?
In reaching a settlement did you have recourse to the CCMA, a Bargaining Council, or a Private Dispute Resolution Agency?
Are you covered by a Bargaining Council Agreement or Sectoral Determination?
Do you have an Agency Shop Agreement?
Do you grant any of the following bonuses? Please tick and provide detail where applicable. (Non-Bargaining Unit)
Do you grant any of the following bonuses? Please tick and provide detail where applicable. (Bargaining Unit)
Questionnaire completed by: